Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Works of Mercy

The Works of Mercy are actions we can perform that extend God’s compassion and mercy to those in need.  The Works of Mercy are divided into Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.  They are simply love put into action.  Right now, we will be talking only about the Corporal Works of Mercy.  The Corporal Works of Mercy are acts by which we help our neighbors with their material and physical needs.
These are:
1.      feed the hungry
2.      give drink to the thirsty
3.      clothe the naked
4.      shelter the homeless
5.      visit the sick
6.      visit the imprisoned
7.      bury the dead

Who was the first One who told us about the Corporal Works of Mercy?

Jesus Himself.  He tells us to care for others in the parable of sheep and goats, in the Beatitudes, and in the entire New Testament.  The parable about the sheep and the goats we find in the Bible, the New Testament, in Matthew 25:34-46.   In this parable, Jesus tells us to take care of my neighbor, no matter who they are, and especially for the poorest who have nothing to eat, or drink, who have no cloths or housing, and who are imprisoned or hospitalized.  Here is the parable:

34  Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my
Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
35  For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me,
36  naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’
37  Then the righteous* will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?
38  When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?
39  When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’
40  And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’
41  Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
42  For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink,
43  stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’
44  Then they will answer and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?’
45  He will answer them, ‘Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.’
46  And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

The core of Christianity is not the focus on self but the forgetfulness of self and the focus on others, and especially those around me who might need my help.  Jesus says, “This is how all people will know that you are My disciples, that you love one another” Jn, 13, 35. This is the way to Heaven. 

And now, we will go over each of the Corporal Works of Mercy individually.   What do they mean and how we live them in our lives.

1.      Feed the hungry – By looking on the gospel we just read, we realize that to feed the hungry is not an option for Christians, and especially for church people.  When we say the hungry, we usually think about people far away in the Third World countries.  We can say that if I had chance I would go there to help.  However, how many hungry people, children, youth we have here, in close proximities.   I do not have to go far away, but only to look around and open my eyes to see these hungry people around me.  Maybe my neighbor did not have the breakfast yet, because they do not have the money to buy food.   If we want to help to feed the hungry, we can donate food or the money to our parishes, local food pantries who distribute the food to the poorest, such as poor families, the travelers, the immigrants, and the homeless.  We, as the Catholic Sisters, we do the same too.  We never sand empty handed anyone, whoever they are, who comes to our house and asks for food.  We always feed them.

2.      Give drink to the thirsty – the two works of mercy feed the hungry and give drink to the thirty go hand in hand.  We are created the way that we need food and water to survive.  If someone, a traveler, a worker, or a homeless person comes to your house asking you for a glass of cold water, will you sand them away?  No.  It is natural to give them something to drink.  And we do that without even realizing that we just did what Jesus asked us to do, we helped someone to quench their physical thirst.  That we were merciful toward that person, and God will reward our merciful deed.  And we should not ask anybody to pay us for that glass of water, otherwise, we already received our reward. 

3.      Clothe the naked – Jesus calls us to care for others and not to be selfish; He calls us to really and truly clothe the naked.  Why? Because Jesus says that when we clothe the naked we clothe Jesus Himself, for Jesus lives in every and each one of us.  And moreover, Jesus wants us to become like Him, merciful.  We heard it in the Parable: “I was naked and you clothed Me”.  By doing so,  we are helping others to find not only warmth but also dignity in clothing.  And we ourselves will be transformed by the grace of God in the process.  
To clothe others, we can donate our clothes that we no longer use and that are still usable to many different organizations that collect cloths for the needy.  We can also donate the money to these organization, as long as we know that they are reliable organizations.  We as Nuns, we cannot really donate our habits to others, but we can donate money to the reliable organizations or just buy clothes to those who we know that cannot afford them. 

4.      Shelter the homeless – Jesus also calls each and every one of us to provide home to the homeless.  Of course, it is not always possible to welcome homeless into our own houses.  That is mostly, because of the safety reasons.  We do not know who these people are and we have to be careful not to get hurt or robbed in the process of helping.  So, how can we help?  There are many shelters for the homeless run by the Catholic Charities or by local parishes.  We can volunteer an hour or two, or how much time anybody can afford, at the shelter cooking food, helping with the laundry, cleaning up the place; we can donate money, as much as anybody can afford, to buy food, clothing, bedding, cleaning supplies for the homeless, or we can pray for the homeless for safety and God’s mercy, if there is absolutely nothing we can do.  I do not know how many of you saw the movie “Do we believe”.  In the movie, there is this homeless family, mom and a little girl, who do not have their own house.  They sleep at the shelter, and then in the car when there is not enough sleeping spots at the shelter.  They are wondering in the streets in the cold, until they get spotted by a good Samaritan, a man who is sick and is dying.  He opened his house to this family.  And guess what, at the end, God reworded this men for his good deed.   The men got cured from his terminal disease.  For it is true that God will plentifully reward those who give to others selflessly and from deep down of their hearts.  

5.      Visit the sick – how many of you were admitted to the hospital for a longer period of time?  Did you like it?  How many of you felt alone and sad? How many of you wished that family and friends visited you more often?  So, you can imagine how the sick people feel.   Lonely and abandoned.  We are nurses and we work in the hospital.  On daily basis, we see people who are totally alone in the room, and nobody visits them.  They are sad.  And many times, these people who have no family members or friends visiting them, recover from their illness slower.  And also, many times, they do not even have the will to live.  For this very reason, it is our responsibility to visit our sick family members, friends, and neighbors who are in the hospitals or nursing homes.  By doing so, we give them joy, happiness, smile, and most importantly, the will to go on – because they will feel important and needed. 

6.      Visit the imprisoned – and if people who are sick and in the hospitals are lonely, can you imagine how those who are imprisoned can feel like?  Many can say that if the prisoners are in the prisons, they deserve it.  Maybe, but we are not here to judge anybody.   God will judge every one of us at the end of our own lives.  What God asks us to do, is to visit the imprisoned, because in their humbling life-experiences  they need us the most.  They are scared, hurting, lonely, and they are abounded by everybody, the entire society.  These people need us to keep their spirits up, to keep their faith alive.  And the truth is that many of these prisoners are imprisoned unjustly and falsely.   Just look at Jesus Himself.  He was imprisoned unjustly and because of false testimony.   

7.      Bury the dead – Our core responsibility is bury our dead.   We need to bury our dead with respect.  Why, because human body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  Humans are the only creatures who have soul.  And our soul is immortal, given to us by God Himself.  For that very reason, human body cannot be thrown in the streets, like animals that do not have a soul, but buried with dignity and respect.  And we need to do that not only to our family members, but to every human who has no family to give them a proper burial.   We hear and see many examples of human remains being thrown to the garbage, for example, the aborted babies, who have a soul, are being disposed of like a piece of a garbage.  This is an example of failure to bury the dead, and that is a sin; and those who do that will one day answer before God.  Also, there are many people all over the world, and especially in the countries where there is war, whose bodies are left in the streets without proper burial.  We can pray to God so that He will send good people who will bury the human bodies.   Just like Jesus, when He was taken down from the Cross, was buried by good people who gave Him their own grave.
So, as we can see, bury our dead is not an option but a responsibility before God.   And let’s not forget Jesus’ words, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”

Psalm 34, 17 tells us: “The LORD hears his people when they call out to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.”  Remember, God always hears the cry of the poor.  

Któż jak Bóg! There is One God and no other!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Na ambicji poskromienie,
takie oto jest leczenie:
o wyznaczonej ściśle godzinie
zażyj pigułkę, a gdy sie rozplynie,
wtedy porównaj troszkę - twa wielkość z tym małym groszkiem.

Któż jak Bóg! There is One God and no other!!!

Konferencje O. Adama Szustaka, OP

Sluchajmy konferencji o Adama Shustaka, OP

Rekolekcje: Placki z Rodzynkami
Rekolekcje: Dla Niemocnych


Któż jak Bóg! There is One God and no other!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Quote of the day

On the day when you stand before the Almighty God, you will not be judged by the bad things alone you did. You will be judged, most of all, by all the things that you did not do; by all the neglected good; by all the good deeds that you could do but chose not to, that you chose do nothing. On the day of Final Judgment you will be asked to give an account for all deeds you did to others in your entire life. On the day of judgment you will give an account for the neglected love, neglected good, as well as every careless word you spoke.

 - Fr. Larry Richardson

Któż jak Bóg! There is One God and no other!!!

It Will be a Wonderful Homecoming

We do not have our own place anymore
Among all corners of the Earth
Still we are looking for our own place...
and constantly striving for a new one.

But there will come a day
when Someone will knock on my door
and He will tell me: "Come, you have found your home,
Home of Everlasting Love.”

It will be a wonderful Homecoming,
A meeting, which no one yet knows
It will be abiding forever and ever
In the Grace of The Almighty.

Then Everlasting Light and clarity stands before me,
and the darkness will pass away forever,
The Loving presence of the Lord will come to greet me,
In this hour chosen only for me.

- Translation from Bedzie to Piekne Spotkanie by Mocni w Duchu


Któż jak Bóg! There is One God and no other!!!

True Love Lasts Forever

(For all those who lost their loved ones)

Some people say that love is short lived,
But, I say that love lasts forever.

You were given to me, my angel, my true love, my best friend forever.
We had plans, aspired great things;
We wanted to stay and be happy together forever.

I loved you so much;
I wanted to spend my entire life with you by my side. 
I wanted to die with you by me.

But, you were taken away from me way too soon!
So unexpectedly!
In your prime!
In the best time of our lives!
In the middle of a beautiful day!

I was left with unbearable pain, insufferable bitterness, and life-sucking hate!
Only with my tears to keep me company. 

I could not endure that pain!
I did not know how to go on!
I wanted to end it all right there ...

And, then, Jesus came and touched my heart, and gave me the hope that I needed.
I will see you again in Heaven.
He showed me that LOVE, JOY and HAPPINESS are possible even in the worst pain.

So, I turned to Him for help.
And, He helped me,
He healed me,
He put me back up on my feet.

Now, I am strong, and, I can share His healing Love with others. 

I know that I will see you again in the Heavenly Home one day.

Author - my Friend ... someone who lost her Husband, THE LOVE OF HER LIFE!!!


Któż jak Bóg! There is One God and no other!!!

Friday, September 25, 2015


The setting sun now dies away,
and darkness comes at close of day;
your brightest beams, dear Lord, impart,
and let them shine within our heart.
We praise your name with joy this night.
Please watch and guide us till the light;
Joining the music of the blest,
Oh lord, we sing ourselves to rest
To God the Father, God the Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One,
Trinity blest, whom we adore,
Be praise and glory evermore.

Któż jak Bóg! There is One God and no other!!!

Andre Rieu

Któż jak Bóg! There is One God and no other!!!

Andre Rieu, that is the best music I have ever heard.  Take a peek.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Obama declares WAR on the Catholic Church!

Któż jak Bóg! There is One God and no other!!!
Obama declares WAR on the Catholic Church!
Our Church’s Future is in DANGER!
Your Religious Freedom Hangs in the Balance!
Dear Faithful Catholic,
Barack Obama has declared WAR on the Catholic Church!
Obama’s order that all Catholic employers must provide contraceptives, sterilization and abortion- causing drugs to their employees is the worst and most chilling in a long line of attacks by the most pro-abortion administration in U.S. history.
This latest attack is so shocking that even many left-wing Catholics complained about it — so many that Obama had to offer what looked like a compromise. Thank God, the U.S. Bishops wisely saw that Obama’s “compromise” was no more than a bookkeeping trick. In fact his “compromise” is even worse than his original plan!
Here’s why: under this phony “compromise,” it’s the insurance companies of Catholic institutions that must provide “free” contraceptives and abortion-causing drugs for their employees. But this is just a “shell game,” because . . .
· “there’s no such thing as a “free lunch” – in the end, it’s still the Catholic institutions that must pay for the immoral, baby-killing coverage
· Obama did NOTHING to remove the Church’s moral objection
· in fact, now there are NO real exemptions at all – not even for Churches!
· and it’s still a direct and unconstitutional attack on our religious liberty
But the Obama administration’s “smoke and mirrors” doesn’t end there. To try and justify its tyrannical mandate for contraception and abortion drugs, it has posted a set of false and misleading claims on the White House blog.
EXPOSED: Obama’s new lies about his “mandate”
Thank God, the U.S. Bishops have posted a document on their Web site that exposes Obama’s lies and reveals the true effects of its appalling attack on religious liberty.
But here’s the 64-dollar question: How many Catholics will ever read it?
It’s time to face some ugly facts: (1) Millions of American Catholics use artificial contraceptives, even though the Church teaches that’s a grave sin. (2) Fifty-four percent of U.S. Catholics voted for pro-abortion Obama. And (3) many “modern” Catholics were surprised that loyal Catholic commentators were so upset by his mandate. And frankly, how can we blame them?
After 40-plus years of poor catechesis, open dissent by theologians, and distortion of Catholic doctrine by the news media, millions of Catholics don’t even KNOW the Church’s real teaching on contraception, let alone understand it!
Why this is such a grave threat to religious liberty
      The media are hiding the truth: this latest attack is perhaps the most serious ever. Because no matter how the media spin it, this attack is NOT primarily about contraception, it’s about religious freedom. The Culture of Death is using government coercion to tell us how to live our Faith!
But how do we stop it when so many American Catholics ignore the Church’s moral teachings on contraception, homosexual “marriage” and even abortion? How do we persuade lukewarm Catholics to fight for their religious liberty when they don’t even go to Holy Mass?
Thank God, there IS a way! Let me explain: I can’t count the times I’ve listened to some gifted Catholic apologist and said to myself, “If only Steve Ray could talk to my friend or family member” or “If only Father Bill Casey were here to explain to them why this is so important.” And THAT is the answer—bringing these experts’ powerful arguments to wishy-washy Catholics! To help you defeat Obama’s mandate, I’ve personally interviewed some of today’s most persuasive Catholic speakers on an exclusive CD that you can share with friends and family to help them see how crucial this fight for religious liberty really is.
How our Catholic “Dream Team” can unite the faithful
to defeat Obama’s “mandate”
Our new CD is called Overcoming the Attack on Religious Liberty, and it features a Catholic “Dream Team:” the well-known, solidly Catholic voices of Father William Casey of the Fathers of Mercy, Jesse Romero, M.A., of the “Reasons for Faith LIVE” radio show, popular author and apologist Stephen K. Ray, and Ignatius Press founder Father Joseph Fessio, S.J.
This unique CD is not just a collection of interviews but a frank, intimate conversation with these powerful Catholic spokesmen. What they reveal on this CD is the same unvarnished truth they’d share with a close personal friend. On this powerful CD, you and others will hear . . .
· why Catholics MUST stand up for their Faith NOW more than ever - while there’s still time
· how Obama’s contraception/abortion mandate is only the first step in a larger plan
· why the government doesn’t “give us rights,” and why rights come from God
· how to make an effective spiritual response to the attack on religious freedom
· what to pray for to end this crisis
· why government subsidies are a “deal with the devil”
· why “An unjust law is NO law,” as the Church has taught for 2,000 years
· why we must obey God rather than men
· what is the real response of the U.S. Bishops to this assault on religious liberty
· what’s in store for our children if we fail!
And all that is just the tip of the iceberg of what you’ll discover in this hard-hitting, no-holds-barred CD. These interviews are straight talk that’s straight from the heart, with nothing held back.
My friend, we have this blockbuster CD, and now all we need is your help to distribute it. So we’ll gladly send you one FREE copy of this unique faith-restoring CD in thanks for your donation of any amount.
If you send a gift of $25 or more, we’ll gratefully send you three of these CDs to distribute to the Catholics in your life who desperately need to hear this message and join the fight. Give them to friends, relatives, co-workers, priests, nuns, teachers, college and high school students.
I If God has blessed you so much that you can contribute $50 or more, we’ll send your three FREE copies of the anti-“mandate” CD, PLUS the three-CD series, Catholic Morality: The Battle for America’s Soul, by Michael Cumbie.
In this eye-opening series, the popular Catholic evangelist reveals what we must do to rapidly restore our country and our beloved Church. Yes, it IS possible! You’ll discover our only hope for transforming our society that’s headed for disaster and for rescuing millions of souls from eternal loss.
This is a moment you and I were born for
The Book of Jude (1:3) commands us to “contend earnestly for the Faith once delivered to the saints.” We must storm Heaven with our prayers, knowing that we can achieve nothing without God’s grace. And we must storm Washington with our protests, knowing full well that “faith without works is dead” (James 2:20). We must follow Bl. Pope John Paul II, who taught us that “Those who possess certain rights have a duty to defend them.”
So please Click Here to make your contirbution and receive your free product. We must not allow Obama and the Culture of Death to force Catholics and other believers to abandon the priceless religious freedom that our Founding Fathers enshrined in the Bill of Rights.
Thank you, dear friend, for your past support, and thank you in advance for your prayers and financial help in this hour of crisis. For all you do to preserve and promote our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith, may Our Lord and His Mother richly bless you and your family.
In Christ and His Blessed Mother,
Terry Barber
P.S. I cannot stress strongly enough the importance and urgency of defeating the Culture of Death’s latest and gravest assault on religious liberty.
We’ve been living with these tragic consequences for years, but now we no longer have to look to Communist China to see the fulfillment of that final prediction – because it’s happening right here, right now!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Who Whitney Houston really was?

Któż jak Bóg! There is One God and no other!!!

Some people get offended when they read or hear Celine Dion talking about W.H. death. But, is it not that the truth? Buy using drugs, alcohol, and that unfortunate marriage of hers, Whitney contributed to her death so much! I feel sorry for that woman. She was such an inspiration, such a beautiful person! What happened there?! Fame happened, just like Celine stated. People do not see it, but Hollywood is not that holly. There is a great evil there. Get out of there as soon as you can!!! And president Obama is not helping either. He thinks that if he pleases the drug addicts, alcoholics, gays, lesbians, killers, abortionists, he will make the world all better. He is WRONG!!! The only person who can make the world better is GOD HIMSELF. People, I beg you, do not forget about GOD, do not push GOD aside. I am so happy that so many people now see that, so many young people. The world is slowly waking up. And please, pray for those who lost do to drugs, alcoholism, and bad life habits. Just like Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Freddie Mercury, Heath Ledger, Anna Nicole Smith, and many other actors and artists, and many others of whom we never even heard. My question is, what W. Houston did in her life except for singing? Did she support any charity; did she support people in Haiti, Japan, and Africa? Because, so far, I did not hear anything of that sort. If anybody knows, please educate me. Someone called her a hero. What was hero about her? I do not know.

I respect Celine Dion for the fact that she is a great person, mother, wife, and the last the great singer. To me she is not just a singer, she is a human being. And this is what many show-business-people forget. They make themselves, first, everlasting immortal artists, and they forget that they are human beings, and that one day they will die, they will perish. And then they will stand before GOD and they will give full account of their lives and answer for what they did or did not do but could do. People, do not neglect good dids!!! People, do not forget that you will die one day.  That you will stand before The Almighty and Only God and give full accounts of your lives!!!  Do not forget that!!!