Sunday, April 3, 2011

Trust In God and choose God

Mt. 24, 1 - 31
There is One God and no other!!!
The destruction of the Jerusalem Temple was a symbol of the destruction of the World.  The destruction of the Temple marked the end of the Old Covenant World. It marked the end of the Jewish Priesthood. All that passes away. It represents the World passing away.  When Jesus wants to teach us of His second coming, He is connecting it with the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple.  When Jesus is talking about judgment, He is talking of judgment on wicked Jerusalem, wicked humanity, which is coming, whether we want it or not. After Jesus was ascended to Heaven, people had 30 years to decide whether they want to cling to Jesus, the True Temple or to the World, the earthly temple.  If they were going to recognize that there is a true Temple now in Heaven, which is God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  The Jews in the AD 70 BC, could join the Christians and run to the mountains as Jesus told them to do in Mt. 24, 1-31, and believe that the true Temple is now in Heaven, or to stay in Jerusalem and fight for the earthly temple, and try to save the earthly temple. That was a choice that they had to make, and that is the choice that we have to make. The Jerusalem Temple is the symbol of the world and we have to keep in mind the same lesson today that we are not made for this world.  This world is passing away!  We better not cling to it!  We have to remember that we are not made for this world, we are made for the Heavenly Jerusalem.  So, we have to not make the mistake of clinging to this world and missing our true goal, The Heavenly City that is above.   We still have that choice today.  In the Book of Revelation we have a spiritual lesson that we have much to learn from.  Believe in God, do not trust in yourselves, listen to God and do what God tells us to do.  Do not fight to save the earthly temple, do not try to save ourselves, our earthly lives.  Do not take part in the earthly wars, do not hesitate to give our lives to God, do not be Afraid to lose our earthly lives to gain the heavenly one with Jesus Christ.  It is worthy to give our lives to God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.   
Któż jak Bóg! Trust In God! There is One God and no other!!!
Read this Book and learn more about the Heavenly City, God's message of eternal love, and how it impacts us today, here and now.  Visit

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