Monday, October 18, 2010

Why There Is So Terrible Attack On The Catholic Church

Why there is so terrible attack on the Catholic Church, the Holy Father, the Priests, and those who believe in Jesus Christ, in God?

"For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all"  1Timothy 2:5

Many would say that it happens because of the priests abusing children in the past. But do not we have so many presidents of different countries, politicians all over the world, business owners, leaders of different religions and sects who abuse not only children, but everybody, and especially children, women and the poor, and that is not a crime? How about little girls in some parts of the world who are being forced into marriage and sex at the age of 10 or younger, and this is not an abuse?  How about women being unjustly persecuted and killed for committing adultery, when many times that is not true, while men are doing it all the time openly and without punishment, and that is not a crime?  And how about President of USA B. Obama who is leading the campaign of death by legalizing abortion, gay marriages euthanasia and who is against the life in general, and that is not an abuse?  

Catholics are being abused and persecuted all over the world, before and now, however, for some reason nobody seams to care for it. And, of course, some people, most of the time the persecutors, do not believe in God, and in many cases, consciously or subconsciously, serve the Devil. To my understanding, many of the “priests abusing children” stories are simply made up by greedy people who trusted their lives to evil. Evil or devil is the first enemy of God and His Church, and devil will do anything and everything to destroy the Church. So, those who worship Devil listen to it and do exactly what the Devil tells them to do. In this case it is destroying the Catholic Church, the Church of Jesus Christ. Devil desires to destroy as many people as it only can. Devil wants everybody, us, to fall out of the Church, so that we would not be rescued from the sins and be granted Salvation. And the God’s Apostles, our Priests, on the other hand, bring people to God and to Salvation through the HOLY SACRAMENTS, such as Baptism which washes us from the original sin, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, and Anointing of the Sick. These Sacraments wash our daily sins and purify us, make us stronger in our faith, hope, and love, teach us forgiveness and mutual love, and open for us the gaits to eternal happiness with God in Heaven. And the Sacrament of Marriage through which God brings together two people, man and woman, and blesses them to love each other and bring to life children, the miracles of life. And also the Sacrament of the Holy Orders which is Priesthood, through which we can receive Jesus in the Holy Sacraments, and through which God can rich us and grant us Salvation. How amazing is that. However, the Devil hates that. It does not want us to go to Heaven to live in eternal Happiness with God. It wants us to go to hell and suffer eternal condemnation like It is suffering. Devil knows that it can achieve that by, first, destroying the Pope and the Priests, and then, by spreading a hateful and malicious lies all over the world that there is no God. It uses the technique as the Bible says, "Strike the Shepherd and the sheep will be scattered" Zechariah 13. 7. However, thanks to God, the Church will prevail. “Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock'), and upon this rock I will build My Church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it” Mt. 16, 19.

Because of Priests, Devil fails to destroy the Holy Catholic Church and to bring the entire world to everlasting condemnation. It hates God and God’s Church. It hates everybody who in the name of Jesus Christ is doing Good. Using its malicious lies, Devil wants to bring the entire humanity to eternal death. Nonstop, Devil develops different and, each time, more treacherous and deadlier forms of attacks on Catholic Church. It wants to destroy the Priests, and through that bring the Catholic Church to an end.

We have to open our eyes and see what is happening! We cannot let ourselves to fall into devil’s trap. Evil is tricky, it will devour in no time those who sttay away from God and will overcome them far before they even have chance to recognize it. It does not matter how strong these people think they are; without God they are week, they are helpless, they are nothing.

I beg all of you to pray a lot. Pray Rosary which is the biggest weapon against evil. Rosary contains in It the entire Gospel – The Good News of Salvation. Plus, Devil fears our Holy Mother Mary because She broke it. She is pure, great, and with no sin. Let’s go to Daily Mass and get strength from God Himself. Allow Jesus Christ feed us with His Holy Body and Blood; allow Jesus feed us with His words of eternal life and light. There is nothing as strong and powerful as the Holy Mass at the Catholic Church. And if we do not have Priests, who will celebrate the Holy Mass and bring us Holy Sacraments, who will? The attack is carefully thought and planed; evil knows what it is doing. Evil tries to tell us that there is something else out there that can fill our hearts; however that is a lie. There is nothing out there but emptiness, grief, grudge, hatred, evilness, envy, anger, lack of forgiveness, darkness, and death. Evil leads nowhere but to hell, to eternal condemnation and, eventually, to eternal death when Jesus Christ comes to Earth the Second time.

There is so much anger, greediness, grudge, and hatred in us and in the world that produces wars and death. We have to return to God; we have to pray for forgiveness, for love towards each other, for hope, and for the faith in One True God. God will listen to our prayer and He will grant us Salvation. And please, let’s do not watch too much TV; there is nothing good on there. TV teaches us egoism and jealousy which leads to anger and hatred, which consequently leads to killing. Let’s rather turn to God to be fed with His Holy Body and Blood. Let's fill our hearts with his Holy words; the words that are full of Love and Hope. Listen to the Gospel. And then we will be able to do good, to love one another, to forgive. And then, the world will become a better place to live. Our future lies also in our hands.

Któż jak Bóg!

1 comment:

  1. There is a lot of hurt and pain in my heart when I hear and read the offensive news about the Catholic Church that the media and especially CNN create. I agree with you, the Devil will not stop until the job is completed, however, like you said, The Church Will Prevail. Praise to God and God Bless to all of you who fight for the Catholic Church, for the Christians, and for the Truth. God Bless You.


God Bless You